Changing the Perfect Plan with Positively Sue

On today’s episode I’m speaking with Susan Bassett and her experience as the mother of a child with a disability. Sue offers positive suggestions on how to manage living in a hospital setting.
About Susan Bassett
Lots of words can be used to describe Susan Bassett – determined, energetic, focused, dynamic – but none sum her up better than the moniker, “Positively Sue”. Susan has a passion and calling for uplifting and motivating people. Her inspiring talks help people face and overcome emotional blocks and rise above challenges, so that they can reach their peak potential.
A sought-after speaker and positivity coach, Sue is known for her candid and empowering message; delivered with healthy doses of personal experience, humour and attitude. Drawing on her own personal experiences as a woman, college lecturer and the mother of a special needs child, Sue has learned how to combat negative energy, reframe perspective and view obstacles as opportunities, and now she’s sharing her insights and positive wisdom with others.
Sue is the proud mother of two children, Atticus and Treva. Treva was born with DiGeorge Syndrome, a life-threatening genetic condition that has presented numerous challenges for her and the entire Bassett family.
Since starting her career as a motivational speaker, Sue has done over 30 keynote presentations for companies, organizations and schools; speaking to audiences ranging in size from 50 to 3000. She has also done numerous media interviews discussing her work as an educator, positivity coach and charity director. In addition to her work as a professional speaker, Sue lectures on the subject of Early Childhood Education at Mohawk College and Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada. Sue and Randy make their home in Hamilton, Ontario with their kids, 2 cats and a dog – a Bassett Hound, of course.
Her Recipe
Sue is big on batch cooking, and freezing meals for the weeks ahead. With both parents owning their own business and plans changing unexpectedly, it’s helpful to have homemade food on hand that can be quickly reheated for dinner.
She also suggests hiding healthy foods in banana bread. It’s an easy way to get extra nutrients into her teenage son, and he’ll eat it right up.
Want more details?
Raising Treva inspired Sue, along with husband Randy, to co-found Opening Hearts; a non-profit charitable organization that focuses on the needs and well-being of children with special needs and their families. You can learn more about volunteer opportunities and their service offerings at »
If you have questions, you can get in touch with Susan on Facebook or Twitter.