Kitting Grafiti
The phrase “as soon as I finish this row” is now common for all the men in my family – I’ve learned to knit! Funny enough, my Dad sent all of us this article:
‘Midnight Knitter’ baffles police in West Cape May, New Jersey. You know of graffiti artists who strike under the cover of night, spraying their artwork on available surfaces. And you’ve likely heard of guerrilla gardeners who like to plant gardens in barren urban corners. But guerrilla knitting? The unknown knitter has been en-sheathing tree branches, tree trunks, hydro poles and lamp posts with unique fitted sweaters. Police are investigating because the person who is committing the crime of art is using public property without permission. Police have not said if there would be any charges laid against the Midnight Knitter, if the person was ever tracked down.
Maybe that’s what we’re up to when we stay up all night to finish “one more row” …