Backyard BBQ Disasters
No BBQ? You shall not be denied delicious burgers.

I will never forget the night my friend’s dad lost his eyebrows. I was eight or nine so the details were a bit confusing at the time – it was raining so they were inside the garage – there was some shrieking from our Mom’s and I gather too much lighter fluid had been used. Luckily no one was injured (just embarrassed).
Our first BBQ dinner this year had us both shrieking in terror. The BBQ caught fire by the controls and we have a wooden deck. We learned after there was damage to the gas line from mice chewing the hoses over the winter. It was on the underside so we hadn’t seen the damage.
What do you do when you want burgers and have no BBQ?
No BBQ? You shall not be denied delicious burgers.
We used our oven with the Broil set to HI to make grilled veggies and hamburgers. The burgers took only 4 minutes per side (from frozen) and we lined the bottom of the tray with foil for quick and easy clean up.
The fresh summer carrots and zucchini took a little longer, about 8 minutes per side and I flipped them part with through. I also drizzled the pan with oil before placing them down.
What’s the secret to not burning your food?
Preheat the oven for 5 minutes before putting the food in, and lower the rack.
Did you have a BBQ mishap? Maybe you had to serve well done steaks because you got chatting? Hit reply or leave a comment with your BBQ disaster story.