Egg Patty Sandwiches
Steve makes the very best breakfast sandwiches. He used to make them with a potato patty in university, but that’s too much food for me. Now it’s just 2 eggs each, a slice of light cheddar, a slice of low-fat ham on toast (open face for me) and a slice of tomato. You can see how light and fluffy the eggs are. Very enjoyable and only 275 calories (if you leave off the butter or margarine) but will fill you up for the whole day:
Since the holiday Monday was my first day with a new trainer, we shoveled first thing in the morning and then Steve offered to make egg sandwiches for brunch. That way I would be between meals when I went to see her at 1pm (neither hungry or full).
He said the trick is to whisk the eggs with milk so they are thoroughly mixed, then cook the egg over low heat. As it starts to bind, he uses the spatula to form it into an oblong/rectangle shape. Once it’s done, he squares off the two “egg patties” and plops them onto the toast and cheese (so it will soften). Sometime we snacks on the rough edges but now that I have caught on, I get them as a side dish on my plate.
I look forward to when Steve makes them again 🙂