My houseplants at work are infected
So sad … it looked like some kind of dust that might of been kicked up because they are upgrading our HVAC system this week, but no. White mini, sticky things with legs. This is plan one and then two:
Insecticidal Soap for Houseplants
- You can make a homemade soap/water solution using 2 tsp. of dish or laundry soap mixed in a bottle of lukewarm water. This solution will destroy the protective coating on the aphids’ bodies and dehydrate them. FYI it works on ants too.
- Spray the solution all over the plant.
- Wait approximately 30 minutes then wash the soap solution off the plant with water. This will prevent damage to the leaves.
Rubbing Alcohol
- Place the alcohol in a spray bottle. It can be used either diluted or undiluted.
- Spray the plant and surrounding soil thoroughly with the alcohol.
- Place the plant in an area free of drafts until the liquid dries on the plant. Repeat this procedure every few days for one to three weeks.
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