Spanish Tortilla
You can make this without the sausage or replace it with your preferred style of tofu.
- 4 oz (almost 1) cacciatore or chorizo sausage
- 1 large leek, thinly sliced
- ½ pepper, diced
- 6 eggs
- seasoning to taste
This is really easy to assemble. Start by thinly slicing the leeks and sausage, dice the peppers and don’t cut yourself (the sausage end sliped and I went through the side of the thumb so if you see any typos, now you know why!)
- Spray a large skillet. Cook leeks over medium heat, stirring occasionally until soft (about 5 min). Add peppers and sausage and cook for another 5 min. Add 2 Tbs of oil.
- Beat the eggs in a bowl and season to your taste with salt/pepper. Pour the eggs into the skillet when the oil is hot. Loosen the edges and tip the skillet to let the mixture distribute evenly under the veggies and meat. Cook until the underside has set (about 5 min).
- Remove the skillet from the stove and, using a plate, flip it over to remove the tortilla. The slide it back it (top down) and cook another 2 min or so to set the other side. Slide it back out and cut into wedges to serve (okay, mine didn’t slide at all because there was stuff stuck to the bottom of the pan so you can leave this step out and cook it through on one side until it’s done. Even though it crumbled, Steve said he’d eat this again for sure.)
This Spanish style omlette makes a good lunch when mixed with a side salad. I “divided” it into 6 to keep my cholesterol down, but you can easily serve 4 for dinner and feel very full. See full nutritional data »
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