Sit down 7 times. Stand up 8.

I love writing (in case you can’t tell) but it means I spend a lot of time on my computer. For the most part its not a big deal but sometimes being online too long makes me ache. My eyes feel tired and my tailbone gets sore if I don’t take enough breaks. If I’m online late I have difficulty sleeping through the night. At least I feel better standing up rather than sitting.
Overuse on your computer can cause pain, stiffness in your joints, weakness and numbness in your back and neck, shoulder or arm, wrist or hands, arthritis in your fingers, headaches and eyestrain. Needless to say, it can make your work day seriously miserable.
With great irony, smokers get up from their desk and walk outside several times a day. Here are two simple (healthy) tips you can try to help your body withstand the strain of working too much on your computer:
1. Consider making your own standing desk. I was recently able to try a Veridesk for a few weeks – an expensive piece of equipment but easy to operate and adapt to your body height. Here’s how to make your own standing desk, written by my friend Jeff from Starting Over Journey:
2. Every time your phone rings stand up to take the call and talk. While you’re standing do some arm, leg and hip stretches and a few squats too; the person on the other end will be none the wiser (and it will boost your energy). Here are 9 more ways to work out during your work day, written by my friend Christie from Movement Snacks:
Do you have a daily routine at work? Hit reply or leave a comment with your favourite way to keep moving at your workstation.