A Seat at my Table

The older I get, the more I realize the value of privacy, cultivating your circle, and only letting certain people in. You can be open, honest, and real while still understanding not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life. – Author Unknown
This quote was sent to me by a dear friend and the last words resonated with me. I love to cook, so a seat at my table goes hand in hand with generosity and hospitality.
You have a seat at my table. And you have graciously sent me feedback and encouragement. I am deeply grateful for your emails and comments. Thank you!
A recent blogging course motivated me to expand my circle to new people, be honest and open in my writing, challenge conventions with the understanding that not everyone will agree, and be more generous.
I’d like to introduce you to two people who invited me in this week:
Matt Arnold at Live Life Inspired shared the story of why I started Babbling by Brooke.
Jeff Pickett at Starting Over wrote an inspiring article on Restrictive Diets that deals with mature content. [You must be curious! Here’s a link to the article »] Jeff hosts a free 10-lesson email course to help you get ready for the summer so you can look and feel your best. As a special bonus, he is generously giving away a SOS20K solar-powered battery charger, perfect for mobile devices [contest ends April 30, 2016. Get the details here »]
Did this quote resonate with you? Click reply or post a comment with what “sharing the table of life” means to you.
In health and friendship,