Why A Restrictive Diet Is The Wrong Way to Look At Your Life

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Jeff Pickett from Starting Over. Jeff is an author, marketer, father, and husband. He’s also a certified nutrition expert who is passionate about CrossFit. I have been inspired and motivated by Jeff’s enthusiasm to share the message of healthy living. Look for his SOS20K Giveaway, which is a solar-powered battery charger perfect for mobile devices [contest ends April 30, 2016].
Warning: The following article on Restrictive Diets deals with mature content.
Is your curiosity peaked? Do I have your attention?
They say that anything worth having in life is worth working for. I’d imagine having your dream home is similar.
What does your dream home look like? Can you see it in your mind?
Perhaps it has three or more bedrooms, a beautifully large master bedroom; a spacious yard and a kitchen with all the latest gadgets. Take a moment and visualize it.
Now, focus on a different kind of dream house. This is your dream “house of health.” And in this house, it’s filled with visions of what you want to look like, how you want to feel, and what you want to experience in life. The best relationships, a great marriage, and sex.
Yeah, we went there. Had to earn that “R” rating!
The fun part about building your life, like a house, is imagining the possibilities.
If building your dream home allows you to use your imagination, shouldn’t you do the same for your health?
Your house of health is a reliable weight loss motivation tactic that you can call on at any time to regain your focus. Your dream house of health.
To gain a dream home takes work. To stay in good health takes a little work as well.

People use diets and meal plans to stay healthy, but others label that action as “restrictive.”
Answer this – what is more restrictive? Eating better food choices now so you can play with your kids well into your 80’s? Or is eating banana splits three times a week and living out the last 30 years of your life in a Hoveround more suitable?
Not being able to walk is restrictive. Not being able to climb stairs, that’s restrictive. Not being able to fit in a movie theater chair – that’s restrictive. Not being able to go anywhere without 10 or more medications to keep you alive – that’s restrictive too.
All of this talk about restrictive is enough to make a person cuss! (There’s the language part.)
If you want to lead a less restrictive life, look twenty or thirty years into the future. Are the things you do today contributing to a restrictive life in the future or are they setting you up for freedom?
My grandfather died of diabetes at the age of 82. It hurt miserably. And from that day on, I’ve been devoted to avoiding that diagnosis on my medical record. Knock on wood; I’ve been successful for the past 16 years since his death.
If you’re ready for a less restrictive approach, you’re in luck. We offer a free mini-course that comes by email every two days to your inbox, and we call it the Health Restart Process; fundamental but actionable steps to steer your health in the right direction.
If you sign up for the course before April 30, you’ll be eligible for our SOS20K Giveaway, which is a solar-powered battery charger perfect for mobile devices. All the details and how to sign up are right here.