Recipe Jar – ideas when you can’t think it through

I love Pinterest, enough so that my husband knows what it is, lol. I found this fantastic idea of a recipe jar: solving the whole dinner dilema on Life in the Greenhouse.
I got jumbo wooden craft sticks from Michael’s with a 50% coupon and picked up some coloured acrylic pain from the Dollar Store. One side is colour coded with the name of the dish, and on the backside is the reference to find the recipe – book/page and/or blog publish date.
Orange sticks are Poultry dishes – ones we love and new ones to try. For example:
Red sticks are Cow dishes – again, ones we love and new ones to try. For example:
Green sticks are Soups & Stews – why green? Because they tend to be loaded with vegetables 🙂
Brown are Pig dishes. There aren’t as many of this colour because we don’t eat pork as often.
- slow cooker pulled pork
- stuffed tenderloin with green apple salad
- Fast fry pork in pita’s with homemade tzatziki
Blue are Fish & Seafood. This is normally our go to when we need a lean meal to settle the digestion, but there are of course some exceptions: